Saturday, September 20, 2008

How to Make Money With AdWords

Earn Money from Adwords

Your method of trying to make money with AdWords is wrong if you found yourself not making any penny or losing money with your hard efforts on AdWords campaigns. If you want to make money with AdWords without putting any efforts, you will definitely end with the failure and burn your money on unconverted clicks. Here are a few important rules of success that you need to follow if you want to successfully earn the money that you are dreaming for with AdWords:

1. Pick The Right Products

Product selection is very important because not all products can make you money. If you select the wrong product to promote with AdWords ads, you may manage to drive the high traffic with your effective ads, but it is worthless if it can't convert to sale. You need to spend some time to study the sales page of your selected products, make sure the sales page can convince you. If it can't, then it can't convince their visitors to buy the product as well. You must also take into consideration marketing cost that may involve, so you should only pick the products that give your sufficient commission to cover your advertising cost while make you profits.

2. Promote Multiple Products

Super affiliates do not just promote only one product, they have AdWords ads running for dozens of the best pick products. Contrast with how failing affiliates who tend to promote one product on AdWords, lose money and then move on to the next one...promote it again, lose money and the cycle continues. The way super affiliates are doing is they select dozens of products and invest a little to promote each product. When they see sales are generated from one of their product promotions, they will invest more time and money in that area.

3. Track Your Keywords

Not all keywords will generate profits. You should keep track of all keywords that are used in AdWords campaigns. Keyword tracking is among the important step that differential between a success and a failing affiliate. If you have picked the right product but your AdWords can't make enough money to cover the PPC costs, most probably you have some keywords that cause the net loss. For example, if you are running AdWords campaign where you spent $120 on AdWords clicks but only generate $90 sales, which mean your total loss is $30. If you did not track your keywords, you won't know which keywords are causing the loss. You probably will stop the AdWords campaign right away to cut your loss. But, if you have tracked the keywords used in your AdWords campaign, you will know which keywords are performed and which are not. What you need to do is stop the un-performed keywords and you will turn the loss to become profits.


Making money with AdWords is not that hard if you willing to put your efforts and follow the rule of success to make your AdWords ads generate high click through rate with high traffic-to-sales conversion.

Find out more details on how you can make the money with AdWords from AdWords Miracle Guide or visit http://www.onlinebusinessrevenue.info for more information.

Earn Money from Adwords

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Earn Residual Income With Google AdWords

Earn Money from Adwords

Once you start earning residual income, the major part of your time will be spent trying to find ways to get targeted traffic to your website. This is the step where most online business owners fail. They never find an effective way to market their business.

A general rule about advertising online is as follows: If you do not pay for an advertising service, the odds are that you will get mostly un-targeted traffic to your website (if you get any in the first place). Intuitively, if you pay for advertising, you MIGHT get some quality traffic. Although these are general rules, they do hold in the long run.

It also follows that you can either pay a considerable amount of money to get quick traffic to your website or you do not pay anything and build-up your web presence in order to be shown on the first page on Google for your keywords.

Online businesses have various methods of carrying out promotions. Some might actually spend a considerable amount of cash on advertising while others might just write articles to create back links.

I just want to elaborate on one way you can use to get more traffic to your website: Google AdWords. Google the keyword AdWords and you will find tons of information on what it really is. Simply put, AdWords allows online business owners to advertise their website on Google for a specific price per keyword. The sponsored results are shown towards the top and right of the normal search results.

The catch is it can be extremely expensive to advertise using AdWords if you do not know what you are doing. I have personally heard of lots of people racking up a $3500 bill in 2 days! Like everything in marketing, using AdWords is not a science but an art, and there are a million ways of promoting your website effectively through it.

But you need to develop the skill to use this advertising medium effectively. This can only come with a lot of training and effort, not to mention time. Reading some renowned books relating to AdWords is probably the first step you should be taking to venture into the world of Pay-Per-Click advertising.

I recommend two books which are reasonably prices and very effective. Please be sure to read the books`reviews online before actually going ahead and purchasing them. The books are:

1. Brad Callen`s Adwords Made Easy

2. Perry Marshall`s Definitive Guide to Google Adwords

Please be sure to read both of the books as they approach AdWords from different perspectives.

For a beginner, this is all you need to get started with Google Adwords. If you have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.

Put what you read in both of the books into action, give it some time and I am confident you will start Earning Residual Income over time.

(C) 2008 Yasir Khan - All Rights Reserved

Yasir Khan is owner of Unbiased-product-reviews.com and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about starting your own home based business and earn a living online, Earn Residual Income now!

Feel free to subscribe to his FREE Online Business Newsletter to get updated info!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yasir_Khan

Earn Money from Adwords